M A R . 2 0 1 6 : C E 1 - 4 0 5 R E P L A C E M E N T P U M P Qty 1 – CUTES CE1-405 vacuum pump (swap pump)
Bare-shaft pump, liquid ring type, flat sided design
cast iron construction, weight: 3.300 Kg
suction capacity range, each pump : 100 - 160 m3/mn
shaft sealed with packings (internal sealant supply) Top inlet and top discharge configuration, Fitted with automatic drain valves
F E B . 2 0 1 6 : R E C O N D I T I O N E D C U T E S C V P - 5 0 M Qty 2 – CUTES CVP-50M reconditioned (*) vacuum pumps
Bare-shaft pumps, liquid ring type, conical design
cast iron construction, shaft sealed with packings, weight, ea: 3.800 Kg
suction capacity range, each pump : 90 – 130 m3/mn
(*) = The two pumps have been repaired / rebuilt and tested in our factory in June 2015. Rotor (impeller and shaft) and cones are new, the body is coated, the heads are cladded with AISI 304.